"If God would just show up, then I'd believe" & the Moral Argument

Why doesn't God just reveal himself to us plainly?

And why does the God of the Old Testament seem so different than that of the New?


Is the New Testament reliable?

How do I respond to Mormons? (LDS Religion)

Alternative tags: Christianity, Joseph Smith, false prophet, Mormonism, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Is Science built on faith or objective reality?

The Error of Inerrancy?

Are the biblical scriptures reliable? If there are errors, are they significant? Does one error in the Bible mean that the entire volume is unreliable? Does the idea of inerrancy apply to translations or just the original documents? How do Christians respond to alleged errors in the text?

Questions about the Resurrection

You might be asking: There are lots of wierdos and cults who make fantastic claims, how do you know that the disciples weren’t lying about the resurrection?

2 Corinthians 10:4 & 5 Demolishing arguments...

This blog is devoted to tough issues surrounding the Christian faith. So my invitation is this: Bring your questions, comments and problems and praises, no holds barred, and we'll explore them. I don't know it all, but I'll do my best to answer or at least point in the right direction. All I ask is that we keep it civil.
-C. Lambeth